Friday, September 23, 2011

Bar Exam Results Coming Out

It looks like the wave of various states' bar exam results are being released. The first major one was Florida which can be found here. What I like about Florida is that they don't release the names like every state does. They show who passes or fails by applicant number. Although people will eventually find out how you fared, it sure does deter everyone from snooping around your name. Oregon, on the other hand, displays its results to the public first  unlike California or many other states which allow applicants to view their results before they are made public. Technically, they don't list the names of people who didn't pass but essentially it's the same thing. Arizona actually lists the names of applicants who obtained the highest score in the exam. They also notify the employer of the top scoring applicant which is funny because they assume s/he has a job by then.  I don't understand why they would make it an honor because passing is passing. Granted, it'll definitely boost a resume in that whole "look at me, I'm cool!" factor and I wouldn't mind seeing where I fell for curiosity's sake.


  1. That's one of the pitfalls in taking a bar exam. Everybody will know if you failed and some people will know if you failed before you did. One of my friends who took the Oregon bar realized she didn't pass when she got text messages from family and friends offering her solace.

  2. That sucks for your friend and all the other people who have gone through the same ordeal. I heard back in the day, the public would find out the results in the newspaper but with the advent of information technology, people can look you up in an instant.
